Why to choose a Strong Baby Name?
We have seen one thing is common in most of the successful people, they have a good Horoscope, their Birth number & Destiny number are in sync, and they have very strong names (name carries high vibrations). We have analyzed hundreds of Horoscopes, DOBs, and Names.
Similarly, we have noticed at least 40% people struggle due to the missing synchronization in Destiny (Life Path) number & Birth (Psychic) number and a weaker name (name with low Name Vibrations)
Maybe it is the strong horoscope, which renders strength to the name (strong name vibrations) and sync between Destiny and Psychic Number.
It is no coincidence, it is for sure.
What can we do, we should name our kids according to their Signs (Moon Signs), Psychic (Birth Number) and Destiny (Life Path) number, so that they don’t get into an unnecessary struggle. Achievements take time, however, investing your energy in unproductive efforts also takes time & energy.
How to choose a Strong Name?
When we decide to Name a Baby according to a favourable number for him/her, the first thing we need is the exact date of birth (date & time), else we won’t reach the correct result. We use those details to;
- To ascertain the Lucky, Favorable & Unfavorable numbers
- Calculate the Psychic (Birth) & Destiny (Life Path) numbers
- Evaluate the favourable numbers and Psychic/Destiny numbers
- Use the Nakshatra & above calculations to find a suitable/favourable Alphabet
- Find corresponding names which have good/favourable meaning
- Evaluate the Name Vibrations of researched names
- Adjust the spelling to get a Strong Name (High Vibrations)
- Provide the list to the parents
Indeed it is a time-consuming process.
Results of Using Name Vibrations
Parents requested that Girl’s name should be according to her birth Nakshatra, it should have a divine meaning and father’s name (Vishnu) should be there in the girl’s name.
Girl’s Psychic Number 8 and Birth Number 7, girl’s father wanted name number to be 7. All the calculations were done according to that.
After researching 70 names below names were arrived at. The recommended name is Divikssha Vishnu with name vibrations 490.07 (out of 497.85 max), name number 7 (which is coincidentally her lucky number also), and with a divine meaning God’s Rays
Spelling was changed from Diviksha to Divikssha as this new spelling gives very high vibrations with the desired name number.
Remember one thing : We can not change, Psychic number, Destiny number, Birth Nakshatra or Horoscope, all we can decide is a strong name, so give you child a head start and don’t let them undergo the unnecessary struggle.