Business Name Numerology Calculator

How To Read The Results?

There can be four instances in matching the Business Name Number to birth number or destiny number:

  1. Both Chaldean & Pythagorean Business Name numbers are friendly to the birth number and/or destiny number. (amazing Compatibility)
  2. Both the Chaldean and Pythagorean value of Business Name numbers are not friendly to the birth number and/or destiny number. (worst compatibility)
  3. Only the Chaldean value of the Business Name number is friendly or neutral but Pythagorean value of Business Name number is neither friendly nor neutral to the birth number and/or destiny number. (good compatibility)
  4. Chaldean does not match but only Pythagorean matches the birth number and/or destiny number. (low compatibility)

Please refer to the Compatibility of the numbers table below.

When should I go for the Paid Consultation?

Everyone doesn’t need the paid consultation, however, here are a few situations in one must seek an expert advice before starting the business:

  1. If your birth number & destiny number are not friendly to each other.
  2. If you are starting the business for the first time.
  3. If you are already running a business that is not yielding the desired income.
  4. If you are investing a substantial amount in your business.
  5. If you actually want to earn from your business and you are not giving it a shot just for the sake of it.

Being an entrepreneur is not everyone’s cup of tea, however, all of us have a deep desire in our hearts to have our own business venture someday.

We all know when we start a business we are not risking our capital but also our time & reputation.

Most of us think that it takes an amazing idea to be successful, however, we have seen Businesses or Businessmen that have a connection with their Wealth Number are the only ones that are successful beyond imagination.

Otherwise, thousands of Business start every day, but very few succeed.

So, invest in a name that is based on your wealth number.